Episode 67: Twin Talk: Should You Work Until Your Due Date?

Are you planning to work up until your baby’s due date? Then this episode is for you!
Both Amanda and Rebecca worked until their babies were due, and they wish they had followed this advice instead! No matter how long you decide to work before your baby arrives, this episode includes some key insights that can help you.
In Kumbay’all episode 67, Amanda and Rebecca discuss:
Why working right up to your due date can be less than ideal
What their experiences were like and how they differed
What they wish they had done instead of working until their due dates
What you can do to help your transition into motherhood go smoother if you decide to work as long as you can
We hope this episode provides helpful tips, insight, and encouragement to you!
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Birth Mindset Mastery - Download our FREE training on how to prepare for childbirth pain with one simple move!
Progressive Pregnancy - Discover the best way to prepare for childbirth so you can feel calm and confident giving birth at home or wherever you choose!
@progressive.pelvic.ed on Instagram or Facebook
Renew Pelvic Health - Amanda’s pelvic physical therapy practice in Atlanta, GA
@renewpelvichealth on Instagram or Facebook
Beyond Birth Collective - Amanda’s lactation consultant
About Your Hosts:
We’re Amanda and Rebecca - twin sisters, naturally-minded homebirth mamas, and co-creators of Progressive Pregnancy. We’re on a mission to help you have a more empowered entrance into motherhood.
Amanda Shipley, PT, DPT, MTC is the founder of Renew Pelvic Health in Atlanta, GA, and has been a physical therapist for more than 20 years. For the last 17 years Amanda has focused on helping patients prevent and heal pelvic floor issues. Her mission is to change the standard of care so that pelvic physical therapy is a part of a complete wellness strategy, like going to the dentist. Amanda is passionate about preventing pelvic floor issues and supporting her patients through the life transitions that we know affect the pelvic floor so strongly - pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause/menopause, and before/after surgery.