Episode 50: How to Use Art To Relieve Stress and Grief with Melissa Kemper Westbrook

Episode 50
How to Use Art to Relieve Stress and Grief with Melissa Kemper Westbrook
Would you describe yourself as artistic?
Whether you think you’re creative or not, you can use art as an outlet for difficult emotions.
Today’s guest is a self-taught artist who used watercolor painting as a way to help herself through an especially challenging time in her life. We think you’ll find her reflections and insights helpful!
In Kumbay’all episode 50 Amanda talks with Melissa Kemper Westbrook about her artistic journey, including topics such as:
How she got started with watercolors and how she learned to paint
How she used art to get herself through some very difficult times in her life
How her background as an educator influenced her work as an artist
Her advice for ‘inartistic’ people who would like to start creating art
About Melissa:
Melissa Kemper Westbrook is a long-time resident of Atlanta, where she spent the first 15 years of her career teaching highschool English, drama, and yearbook. Just weeks before the pandemic began, Melissa gave birth to her youngest child. Since then, she has been home with her four boys while her husband works full time and finishes his doctoral dissertation.
To help her cope with the stresses of pandemic parenting, Melissa started painting in between diaper changes, skinned knees, and grilled cheeses. The death of Melissa’s beloved father in November 2020 was devastating, and she uses her art and poetry to express her grief and gratitude for him.
In the summer of 2021 Melissa started working in earnest towards a creative career and is now selling her prints, taking commissions, leading creativity workshops, and continuing to work on her novel. You can see more of her work and follow her creative process on Instagram and her website.
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M. Kemper Westbrook - see more of Melissa’s work
@m.kemper.westbrook - follow Melissa’s creative process on Instagram
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Progressive Pelvic Education - online courses on pelvic health